Monday, July 29, 2019

Hello to those who still view my blog.  I have been away for a long while and since have progressed into a different arena.  My interest in in Holographic Weather Analysis and Prediction hasn't waned, it has just been put aside for the time being (which could be a while).  I had forgotten about this blog page since I have finished with school (it was actually a class project).  I happened to be going through my Lap-top getting ready to transition to a newer system, came across this and began reminiscing.  I may re-start my blog, but I am not exactly sure what to talk about.  Although holography has advanced at a great rate I still feel that the ability to tie it into weather analysis and forecasting has not quite come to the point where the two can merge or ever will.  So, I have put it on hold on my part and hopefully technology will catch up and we will see this come to fruition.  Who knows, the weather forecasting arena is changing rapidly and may surpass what I had envisioned to move towards.  Meanwhile I'll just dabble with my forecasting and continue my work in the computer system management area in which I currently work.
If you still look at these blogs from my earlier studies thank you.
I will check back once in a while since I now know that it is still active to see if there are any comments.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Technology's Promise: Transition to a Sustainble Wold - Global Warming

My analysis on a forecast from the text Technology’s Promise, is that what we see here is I believe a Social enigma.  Scientists want to do the right thing but politically they are being strangled by the threat of losing funding by going against a politically charged issue.  This being a highly charged debate is something that can only be settled by removing the monetary gains pursued by some individuals and letting scientists proceed with studies using new technological advancements that are not biased or socially coerced. 
Global Warming – caused by the human producing an increase of CO2 into the atmosphere. 
This term has always bothered me.  Being associated with meteorology for over 20 years I am strongly against this term.  I agree that there is climate change it is a cycle that the earth goes through and not really influenced directly by mankind inducing CO2 into the atmosphere. I do however agree that mankind does cause pollution and we need to do something about it, but not global warming.
Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT’s Department of Meteorology states the following:
“Carbon dioxide has little to do with global warming
A)   this is certainly not the hottest period in Earth's history
B) global warming has essentially nothing to do with carbon dioxide
C) the global warming/CO2 charts show that warming occurs first and causes increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, the opposite of what we're told
D) 99% of all carbon dioxide is caused by decaying plants and ocean activity
E) human activity has pretty much no influence on global temperatures
F) cooler air, not warmer, causes increased floods and hurricanes
G) the ice caps are growing and shrinking like they always have, and the ozone layer is just fine
H) "Big Oil" is making a fortune from global warming hysteria, they love it
I) There were only about 1000 people on the IPCC panel, and many were lobbyists and politicians, not scientists”
The following video also gives a clearer picture of how politics played into the coining of the phrase Global Warming.  So I hope that around 2014 the nations will step back and take a better look at what is really happening around them and not listen to politicians and media which are trying to use this scare tactic to line their pockets.
The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A forecast or prediction from the futurists and two forces that I believe will affect its success.

Still playing catch up on my posts.
Forecast #6:
Lunar-based solar power production was pioneered by David Criswell in 1985 as a way to meet future energy demands. The debate stands as to which is better, Lunar Based Solar power (LSPS) or Solar Power Satellite (SPS) pioneered by Peter Glaser in 1968  both of which energy can be more dependably and inexpensively gathered in Space than on Earth. This clean energy source is capable of delivering the 20 trillion watts of power a year that the Earth’s predicted 10 billion people will require by mid-century.

Two forces that could hinder the production of either of these innovations is.

Space Environmental issues

There is now a lot of space junk in orbit around the earth and adding more Satellites for the SPS system. We do not need to add to this

Figure 1 - Space Junk

The other force would be financial feasibility.
The cost of producing a lunar based system would be a hindrance.  1995 predicted costs came to about $1,098.00 per kW It will have most likely tripled in today’s cost. The materials, manpower and transportation costs in 1996 figures would be in the Billions.

Figure 2 : Lunar Base Solar Production System
Fig from David Criswell’s Solar Power via the Moon: 2002
G.L. Kulcinski, Nov 26, 2001, Lecture 35 Lunar Solar Power Station
David Criswell, 2002; Solar Power via the Moon,